Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.) is a Legal Entity of Public Law under the supervision of the Ministry of Economics Affairs, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism. From its foundation in 1983 and up to now, E.P.P.O. has contributed substantially towards the formulation of the national earthquake policy and consequently the reduction of seismic risk.
According to its founding law 1349/83, the Organization is directed by the President and the Administration Board, which exercises every administration and management act, as well as by the General Director, who supervises the three directorates.
Public information – education
The Organization contributes substantially to the development and the understanding of earthquake consciousness and behavior of the population. Therefore, E.P.P.O. organizes training seminars for teachers, officials and public servants, implements informative lectures for students and general public, business staff, people with special needs, etc. Also, EPPO participates in training seminars for volunteers, composes and publishes informative material (booklets, posters, books, CD-ROM, website) and participates in preparedness drills in schools and working places.
Knowledge of the seismic risk
The E.P.P.O. provides valid and timely notification to the State Authorities regarding seismic risk, thus enabling planning and confrontation (support of development and modernization of the National Network of Seismographs and Accelerographs production – update of the Greek Seismic Hazard Map etc). The research unit of EPPO (ITSAK) , have installed and operate more than 200 accelerographs throughout the Greek territory.
Improving the Seismic Capacity of Structures
E.P.P.O. assigns special scientific committees to monitor, adapt and support modern European construction regulations, as well as to process special issues of seismic technology.
Planning of preparedness measures
E.P.P.O. participates in the planning of State earthquake preparedness measures, in order to ensure prompt mobilization, sufficiency of forces and means, coordination of involved bodies and effectiveness and success of actions taken in case of emergency, due to an earthquake.
Support of applied research
E.P.P.O. announces projects or studies in the sectors of seismic technology and social seismic defence and participates in research programs that are completely or partly funded by the European Union, etc.
Confrontation in case of earthquake
E.P.P.O. is activated immediately after the seismic event and collaborates with other involved parties, publishes and distributes leaflets with instructions for the safety of public, and participates in Greek missions to other earthquake-affected countries.