1 UoA Contribution
- Press releases and articles regarding E-PreS presence in the PatrasIQ 2016 exhibition PatrasIQ, "https://issuu.com/dimitrapapa3/docs/iq_teliko," [Online].
- Paper at ICT-DM 2016
M. Chatzidakis, M. Loukeris, K. Gerakos and S. Hadjiefthymiades, "E-PreS: Monitoring and Evaluation of Natural Hazard Preparedness At School Community," in ICT-DM 2016, Vienna, 2016.
2 INCD Contribution
- Paper at the International Conference on Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities Craifaleanu, I.G., Georgescu, E.S., Meiţă, V., Dragomir, C.S.,Dobre, D., Cişmelaru, A"EPreS: A European project for monitoring and evaluation of natural hazard preparedness at school environment. The Romanian perspective," in International Conference on Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities, Bucharest, 2016.
- Poster and paper at the “EUROINVENT 2016”. Stathes Hadjiefthymiades, Sarantis Paskalis, Michail Loukeris, Michail Chatzidakis,Asimina Kourou, Anastasia Ioakimidou, Vasiliki Abramea, IolandaGabriela Craifaleanu,EmilSever Georgescu, ClaudiuSorin Dragomir, Daniela Dobre, Vasile Meita, Mihaela San du, Adelin Cismelaru, Tzvetan Tzvetanski, Petar Tzvetkov, Yassen Tsvetkov, Biliana Mihailova, Fabio Sansivero, Rosella Nave, Charalampos Fassoulas, Georgila Klairi, Lioubitsa Kardaki, Stathi Iasmi , "Monitoring and Evaluation of Natural Hazard Preparedness at School Environment: the E-PreS Project," in 8th Edition of the European European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, EUROINVENT 2016 , Iasi, 2016
This work has been awarded with the Gold metal
3 EPPO Contribution
- Description of the E-PreS project at the EPPO official website
http://www.oasp.gr/node/3150 - Annual report of EPPO actions, p. 39
http://www.oasp.gr/node/3127 - Workshop in the framework of National Project “Emergency Planning at School in case of an Earthquake” http://www.oasp.gr/calendar/2015-10-13?mini=calendar%2F2015-10.
- Paper at the 2nd National Conference of Thessalia
A. Kourou, "Earthquake protection - EPPO Awareness Actions," in 2nd National Conference of Thessalia, Skiathos Island, 2015. - Presentation at seminars
Article annual repoft of EPPO actions newsletter
E-PreS," Annual Report of EPPO actions, 2015
"E-PreS,"2016 EPPO annual report - Paper at conference A. Kourou, A. Ioakeimidou, S. Hadjiefthymiades, V. Abramea, "Earthquake Preparednessof School Community and E-PRES Project," in ICES 2016: 18th International Conferenceon Educational Sciences, Amsterdam, 2016.A. Kourou, A. Ioakeimidou, V. Abramea, "School Emergency Drills Evaluation through E-PreS Monitoring System," in ICEET 2016: 18th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, London, 2016.
4 NHMC Contribution
- Report on E-PreS use on evacuation drill at the 20th and 56th Elementary school in Crete
http://www.palo.gr/krhth-nea/irakleio-askisi-seismoy-se-sxoleio-me-eksyp... - Announcement of the drills at the school’s website
http://20dim-irakl.ira.sch.gr/index.php/sxolikes-drastiriotites/kainotom.... - Participation of NHMC in the E-PreS project (both electronic and printed version)
http://hania.news/2016/10/06/28307/ - Official NHMC page
http://nhmc.uoc.gr/el/content/e-pres-monitoring-and-evaluation-natural-h.... - Announcement of E-PreS activities at NHMC Facebook account
5 INGV Contribution
- Article in newspaper Il Mattino, national newspaper,
"Microchip e antenne nella scuola primo test d'Italia sulle vie di fuga," Il Mattino, 8 November 2016.