Outcomes per Action
Action A1 will ensure the overall quality of the project, solve possible conflicts that may rise and take decisions with regard to the Grant Agreement and to the Consortium Agreement by a simple majority of all votes
Action A2 In this action all the necessary reporting activities from the partners will be collected and summarized for reporting to the EC. The auditing effort will be placed, if needed and QCB will do the peer-review. The final decision on approval of a deliverable will be made by the QCB.
Action A3 Governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations interested to the project from Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Bulgaria, etc. will be invited. Furthermore, relevant experts coming both from the civil protection sector and other application domains will be invited to participate in the dissemination activities of the E-PreS and two workshops will be organized by E-PreS for dissemination purposes.
Action B1 will provide a technological wrap-up, directions to the partners for the identification of the refinements needed in current solutions adopted in emergency cases and provide input to action B3 for the specification of the E-preS system that will go beyond the current technological state.
Action B2 This action targets at: identifying E-PreS system requirements (e.g., taking into account of the legislation of the evacuation procedures in different countries) with the direct involvement of end-users operating the trial scenarios, and providing detailed description of the trials that will be demonstrated in task D. This task mainly serves as input for Action B.3 which refers to the overall design of the EPreS platform, but also for the implementation and the demonstration tasks (Task C and D, respectively). Furthermore, in this task E-PreS actors (i.e., users, application providers, etc.) will be defined and their roles and needs will be identified. The produced results will set the ground for the identification of the functional requirements for E-PreS. Seamless integration with existing systems, support for open technologies; user friendliness and intelligent service provision are some of the core elements that will be considered during this analysis. An assessment will be carried out concerning the reference applications that can be delivered by the system producing an overview of the domains of usage for E-PreS tools.
Action B3 will define the three trials of flood, earthquake and volcanic eruptions. Each trial will be specified according to the location, the participants and the scenario that will be tested. In each trial the user needs will be defined respectively.
Action C1 will provide a detailed definition of the E-PreS modules and their functionalities, the interfaces between components and will define the information flow.
Action C2 will create a web portal for the evaluation of the preparedness level, will provide online forms for the assessment of the current status of the buildings and will provide an integrated methodology for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the level of preparedness that combines static and dynamic information.
Action C3 will deal with the design of the E-PreS architecture as well as the implementation of E-PreS backend services.
Action C4 will provide a fully operational web platform along with a fully operational in-field assessment module.
Actions D1, D2 and D3 will achieve a high level of prevention in case of a seismic/flood/volcanic hazard near school facilities, will deploy and configure E-PreS system in a real school facility. Train school staff and students in order to use E-PreS system and familiarize them with best practice during the evacuation process. It will also provide a pilot testing of the E-PreS effectiveness and operation in case of an earthquake, flood and volcanic eruption respectively.
Action D4 will deal with training courses. The main functionalities of the E-PreS will be presented and train the involved parties in order to efficiently use the E-PreS system and successfully accomplish the evacuation process during earthquake, flood, and volcanic disasters.
Action D5 is an assessment of the E-PreS system. A Quality Evaluation plan will be developed along with forms and sheets and a validation report will be filled, including the trials, in order to finalize the E-PreS services.
Action E1 refers to the dissemination plan which will be an instrument for managing and controlling the dissemination activities. This way the project will guarantee the achievement of the project goals and objectives. Furthermore, this dissemination plan will enable the optimal use of the project results beyond the lifetime of the project.
Action E2 is the creation of the project website with the overall project description, the sharing of the main project’s outcomes, partnership sharing, availability of project documentation and project continuation.
Action E3 refers to the promotion and dissemination of E-PreS outputs among specific stakeholders and scientific community, improvement of the E-PreS services based on new solutions that will be discussed during the meetings and presentations and the creation of a wider network among European cities.
Action E4 is the diffusion of the project’s output as well as the demonstration of the project approaches and methodologies into the scientific community.