On November 30, 2016 the INGV partner made a drill of E-preS Project at D. Cimarosa Secondary School, Marechiaro Plexus, located in the city of Naples (Italy) inside the RED area of Campi Flegrei volcanic caldera. The building of D. Cimarosa Secondary School is made of four floors (figure 1) which hosted both the Primary School and the Secondary School. The drill concerned the Secondary School. The building has three exits at floor -2, floor -1 (outside stairs) and at mezzanine (floor 0) respectively. At floor -2 are placed one classroom of Secondary School and the gym, which at the moment of the drill was occupied by the students of classroom 2A; at floor -1 are seven classrooms, the direction and the toilets; at mezzanine (floor 0) are two classrooms of Secondary School, five classrooms of the Primary School, a small laboratory, a magazine and the toilets; at floor 1 are two classrooms of Secondary School, six classrooms of the Primary School and the toilets. All the floors are connected by one stair except for floor -1 which has also an outside emergency stairs.
Figure 1. Floors plans of D. Cimarosa Secondary School. The green arrows shows the directions to evacuation paths. The raspberry images shows the positions of the E-preS nodes with antennas for passive tags.
In figure 1 are showed the maps of the school and the positions of the checkpoint nodes (raspberry icons) whose pictures are shown in figure 2. The Secondary School holds 11 classrooms covering totally 130 students and 11 teachers. During the drill the students of classroom 2B were absent (excursion outside the school) so totally 201 tags to students and 11 tags to teachers were distributed.
NUMBER | Floor | Classroom | Number OF STudents |
1 | -2 | 2A | 27 |
2 | -2 | 2C | 18 |
3 | -1 | 1B | 19 |
4 | -1 | 2B | 29 |
5 | -1 | 2D | 16 |
6 | -1 | 3A | 20 |
7 | -1 | 3B | 19 |
8 | -1 | 3C | 19 |
9 | 0 | 1C | 23 |
10 | 1 | 1C | 25 |
Total | - | - | 130 |
Fig. 2. Checkpoints positions.
Before the drill the INGV team distributed the passive tags to students and teachers and made a brief explanation to the students of all the classrooms about the E-preS System and its role during the drill. A very simple brochure about E-preS Project was also distributed. At the beginning of the drill all the students were in the classrooms (except the classroom 2B not at school) and the students of classroom 2A were in the gym.The results of drill (figure 3) show a total evacuation time of 179 sec in which 201 students passed the 4 checkpoints and all reached the exits.
Fig. 3. Results of the drill